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This is a blog where i am sharing all my embroidery tips with fellow embroiders.You will find my posts easy to understand and perfect for beginners

Did you miss the funny slogan designs?

If you missed the vote for the free funny slogan embroidery designs you can now download them. Just click on the link and you will be taken to the free designs page.

New poll
I will be adding a new poll today so please keep an eye out for that. Don't forget to make sure your email is added to the newsletter box, this will ensure you get all the designs and notifications first.

What projects are you currently working on?
It is always lovely to get comments and emails from my readers. If you have a problem or just want to share your thoughts and ideas drop me a comment and i will personally respond.

This blog is for all the machine embroidery community, if i can help you out please let me know. I have hundreds of subscribers and reach a larger if you need something putting out or promoting let me know and i will do my best to help you.

Which Designs would you like?

To qualify you need to add your email address to the box at the top of this blog.

Please note that you will never get spam and i will never give anybody your email addresses EVER!


Each week i will add a poll to the bottom of the blog, you can vote for categoriesWhen the poll has ended i will add a zipped file with the designs in (in many formats) to a website. All blog subscribers will then be emailed the link to where you can download the designs.

Get Voting........